Thursday, July 5, 2012

Climate Change

The average weather condition of a place is called climate. It remains unchanged for a specific period of time.This is the natural process hence, such change is not considered as climatic change. But, the change in climate with-in short period of time (5 to 10 years) is unnatural and it is defined as climate change.

Reasons for climate change:
Atmosphere gets heat from the solar radiation. The heat trapping materials like water vapors, dust, pollutant, smoke, and heavier particles of gasses like CO2, CO, and CFC trap more and unnecessary heat from the sun making atmosphere hotter. The temperature of the atmosphere depends upon the heat trapping materials presented in the atmosphere. If more heat trapping materials present in atmosphere, it will get more heat and if less heat trapping materials present in atmosphere it will get less heat.
 Human activities of mixing such heavier gas particles along with the toxic gases in atmosphere is really a great help for increasing rate of temperature on the earth surface. Atmosphere of the earth has been working as a blanket to protect heat of the earth, Since the formation of the earth. The heat from the sun comes to the earth but it can not escape from the atmosphere, due to this reason atmospheric temperature is ever increasing itself. It is also known as "Green House Effect" (GHE), moreover the human activities of mixing the polluted gases or dust particles in atmosphere has played a vital role to increase temperature rapidly, due to these reasons the change in climate may occur within five to ten years instead of 50 to 60 years.

Adverse effects of climatic change:
 When the temperature of earth increase of the earth increase abnormally, all living beings including plants and animals can not adopt with the environment and become extinct. Some of them start to shift (migrate) towards the colder place if possible; otherwise destruction is unavoidable. Such migration of plants and animals starts from the hottest place like tropical zone to cooler place like temperature zone and from temperate zone to frizzed zone again. One day will come in future that all living things will become extinct from the whole world and the earth becomes deserted place, if this burning issue couldn't be checked or controlled.
 Ever increasing temperature or global warming badly affects the mountainous regions too. One day we will have such a situation in the near future that, all the snow in the mountain peak will melt and change in to water, heavy amount of water reaches to the oceans and sea through rivers, which causes for the rise of sea level and small  islands along with the coastal plain sink down into ocean and on the other hand, glacial lakes will be overflowed and there occurs the landslides and flood. Rivers become dry in winter season. Rainfalls in the mountainous region in place of snow; there will be no water at all in dry season. This is the reality of the future but we may think this fact as a hypothesis. So that lets start to work together for the preservation of our earth and its environment.

Measures to control the global warming and climate change:
  •  Natural vegetation is the key factor for the cleansing of the atmosphere and environment. Forest regulates the amount of gases in the atmosphere as well as controls over the fluctuation of weather condition so that mass afforestation should be done in each corner of the earth.
  • Mixing of harmful gases like CO2, CO and CFC in atmosphere should be minimized for this, emphasis should be given for the use of renewable resources.
  • Industrial waste can be recycled and filtered before mixing up in atmosphere, this type of activity helps to minimize the atmosphere pollution.
  • Human waste and drain pipes should not be ended in the river, pond and ope surface. These can also be recycled and reused.(Like manure)
  • Everybody should plan and contribute for the preservation of environment before to plan for economic activities (e.g. Opening of industry)
  • Each nation of the world should co-operate the joint action launched by world organization whole heatedly for the protection and preservation of the Environment.
  • We have achieved a lot of materials happiness and economic prosperity, due to the development of science and technology, but where is that place to live and consume these happiness? Lets think from today onwards.


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