Friday, July 6, 2012


A sudden shaking or vibration of the surface of the earth is called Earthquake. It destroys a large numbers of lives and a large amount of property. There are two types of earthquakes.

1. Vertical Earthquake
2. Horizontal Earthquakes
 In a vertical earthquakes, the earth's surface vibrates up and down and in horizontal earthquake, the earth's surface vibrates horizontally. 

A horizontal earthquake is more dangerous than a vertical earthquake. More buildings collapse during a horizontal earthquake.
Earthquakes cannot be forecaster. They are measured by using an instruments called seismograph and its unit is Richer. Richer scale measures between the range of 1 to 10. The small waves experienced before a big earthquake are called fore shocks and the waves experienced after a big earthquake are called aftershocks. Earthquakes are mainly caused by the following activities:

Earthquakes destroy our buildings, dams, pipelines, communication place, and sometimes it may also causes sea flood known as Tsunami. If we are outside the house during as earthquakes, we should run away to an open area field. But, when we are inside a house during an earthquake, we should not rust to the door. We should try to protect ourselves by hiding under a cot, table or any other strong furniture. Remember that the head is the most sensitive part of our body. So, we must try to protect out head rather than other organs. What will you do to save your life from as earthquakes if you are in the classroom ? The best way it to hide under the bench.          


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