Kinds of rocks:
According to the mode of their formation, rocks are divided into three groups:
1. Igneous rock
2. sedimentary rocks
3. Metamorphic rocks
1. Igneous rocks:
Igneous rocks are formed from the hot molten rock material that comes out of the earth. The molten material called magma makes its way out of the earth through cracks in the crust of the earth. After coming out of the earth, it is called lava and solidifies to form rocks. These rocks may have a fine or coarse texture. The igneous rocks contain mica,feldspar, quartz, silica,etc. They contains metals like iron, aluminium, copper, tin, etc. While lava is coming out a depression is formed at the top called crater. Since, igneous rocks are formed from early times, they are also called Primary rocks. At the time of earth formation, igneous rocks were in large quantity but as the earth cooled down other kinds of rocks also came into existence.
2. Sedimentary rocks:
Sedimentary rocks are made up of number of other rocks, or even remains of animals and plants, all stuck together. Sedimentary rocks harden with age and thickness of the overlying layers increases, but are usually softer than igneous rocks.Sandstone and limestone are two of the most common sedimentary rocks. Sandstone is formed from sand particles (quartz) cemented together by the minerals silica or calcite.
3. Metamorphic rocks:
For example, shale and mud stones a converted to slate, limestone is converted to marble and sandstones are converted to quartzite.